
50 Days To Go Until The End Of The Transition Period

Is your business ready for changes at the end of the year?

The transition period is ending on 31 December and there will be no extension – 50 days to go.

The UK will no longer be part of the EU Customs Union and Single Market. This means that, regardless of whether we reach a free trade agreement with the EU, there will be new rules for businesses from 1 January 2021 which require immediate action. Your business needs to act now to prepare for these new rules. If you do not take action, there is a risk your business operations will be interrupted.

As a first step, you should visit where you can use the checker tool to quickly identify the actions that your business needs to take. The checker tool will ask you questions about your business and provide all the information you need to be aware of such as new rules on:

New Anglia LEP’s EU Exit pages provide up to date information and useful links, including sector toolkits. You can also contact our advisers for free business support on 0300 333 6536 or

For free, one-to-one business support, call us on 0300 333 6536 or get in touch using our contact form

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