
Access free advice and support

Talk to us about any aspect of business growth you’re grappling with

  • Our expert team of friendly and experienced advisors are trained to show you where to get the business support you need
  • We’ll come to you
  • Access specialist business coaching advisers to sharpen your management and leadership skills
  • Access specialist start-up advice to get your business idea off the drawing board and flourishing
  • All of our services are free at the point of delivery

Expand overseas

Access export insights

  • Passport to Export helps you assess your readiness for international trade
  • Create a detailed action plan
  • Get market research assistance
  • Receive funds to visit your target market
  • Get introduced to your local International Trade Adviser

Get technology working for you and your business

Keep up with technology

  • Make the most of faster internet speeds
  • Understand your various broadband options
  • Find out when Superfast Broadband arrives in your area
  • Attend digital workshops on topics like Google Analytics, and Social Media

Access finance, grants and vouchers

Is your business eligible to receive special funding?

  • We know all about the grants, loans and vouchers you may be eligible for
  • We can introduce you to all you need to know about crowdfunding, venture capital, angel finance and much more
  • Starting a capital investment project? Talk to us about grants between £1,000 and £500,000
  • Other funding sources include vouchers to boost broadband, grants to support energy/carbon reduction measures, and grants for non-mandatory training

Making business regulations less intimidating

Helping you get regulatory compliance right –first time

  • Work in partnership with professionals that can help ensure you’re unafraid of compliance & find being compliant so much easier
  • Supporting how your business is run, improving efficiency, safety and product quality, not just licenses, permits & regulations
  • One point of contact for every compliance issue
  • Liaise with one local authority, not many
  • Doing compliance differently, working collaboratively
    Find out more here.

Meet specialists in your field

Access new expert contacts

  • Bespoke signposting and referral service
  • Share your growth plans with us
  • And we’ll point you in the right direction for expert advice and support from industry and education

Tip the scales to high growth

Are you eligible to join our exclusive high growth business development programme?

  • Get the support and insight needed to take your business’ performance from silver to gold
  • Tailored analysis of your business to help take it to the next level
  • Peer-to-peer environment for real world growth
  • Access to prestigious high growth business course
    Find out more here.

Take full advantage of intellectual property rights

Protect your intellectual property

  • Protect your name and logo with a trademark
  • Consider applying for patents
  • Be introduced to your local Intellectual Property Officer, patent attorneys and intellectual property specialists

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Register for our newsletter, full of specialist business advice.

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