Business Transition to Net Zero (BTNZ) Grant
Are you a growing business and want to improve your operational efficiency?
Do you need to invest in plant and machinery to become more productive?
Would you benefit from fully funded specialist “clean growth” consultancy to measure
your carbon emissions and plan future carbon reduction investments?
The BTNZ scheme provides grant support to help businesses improve their operational
efficiency on their road to Carbon Net Zero.
What is available?
Norfolk County Council has BTNZ grants available of up to £100,000 to part-fund capital
projects to a maximum of 20% of total project costs. The minimum grant available is
£25,000. The minimum project costs are therefore £125,000.
If your project is less than £125,000, please contact the Growth Hub to discuss other grant
schemes. (See contact us below)
Location of support
You must be classed as a small or medium enterprise and your project must be located
within the boundaries of Norfolk County Council.
Your project must be ready to proceed immediately and be fully completed and claimed by
31/07/2025 and you must check with your proposed suppliers that this is achievable.
Examples of projects we could support.
Typical projects to be supported will be focused on clean growth / net zero including:
Energy efficient plant and machinery
On-shoring of product manufacturing and supply chains to increase efficiencies
Development of new technology or innovation and productivity improvements
Reducing methane, nitrogen oxide and other greenhouse gases/particulate emissions
Heating, e.g., Biomass, ASHP/WSHP but not fossil fuel alternatives
Innovative R&D projects focussed on clean growth and/or net zero.
Cluster applications will be considered, and applicants will be encouraged to work to
support others within their business or sector community and their supply chain.
Battery energy storage systems
Following investment, we would expect to see at least one of the following outcomes:
Improved productivity
Improved operational efficiency.
Measurable reduction in t/CO2e
Creation or development of your net zero action plan
The introduction of new products and services,
The adopting of technologies which are new to your business.
Accessing new markets
Increasing export capability
Safeguarding of jobs
Net Zero Action Plan
You should already be aware of your environmental impact and must have a meaningful,
bespoke Net Zero Action Plan in place to be eligible for grant funding and all grant applications
must be supported by a detailed Net Zero Action Plan.
Funded external specialist consultancy support is available to assist you to create or develop
your Net Zero Action Plan and to calculate your Carbon Savings. Your adviser will complete
a simple form and we will allocate a fully funded consultant to you.
Your Net Zero Action Plan should include aspirations for energy, water, waste reduction and
reduction of impact on the environment.
Your Net Zero Action Plan should reflect any carbon reduction steps already taken and how
the project seeking support fits with the road to Net Zero. The consultants will also give your
guidance on future improvements.
There is an expectation that anticipated Carbon Savings (t/CO2e) are calculated and
evidenced for the proposed project.
If you require assistance in producing or developing a Net Zero Action Plan the Growth Hub
Adviser and specialist consultants will be pleased to help you.
What business sectors are not eligible for support?
Banking and insurance
Agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture, forestry, fisheries and the primary production,
processing, and marketing of their products
Schools, nurseries, and childcare facilities.
Publicly funded bodies and statutory services, healthcare, and care homes.
Religious or political organisations
Energy generation and distribution
Coal, steel, and shipbuilding
What costs are we not able to support?
Solar panel supply and / or installations;
Premises costs;
LED lighting;
Property improvements or renovations;
Windows, doors and fixtures and fittings etc;
Core running or staff costs (Revenue costs);
Vehicles (energy efficient or fossil fuel);
Intangible Assets IP, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Names;
Any costs incurred before a grant offer is made;
Items that are not directly needed to deliver the proposed work;
The replacement of items and consumables including laptops and software;
Website creation;
WMS/CRM platforms or equivalent;
Land purchase;
VAT, unless this cannot be recovered;
Any projects that can be funded from other grant schemes;
Repeat applications, including from linked companies.
How do I apply for funding?
Businesses wishing to apply for support should first contact the Growth Hub through this link:
Contact Us - New Anglia Growth Hub
Our expert Business Growth Advisers will work with you to develop your application. As part
of the process, an initial in-depth diagnostic exercise will be undertaken by Growth Hub
Business Advisers to determine eligibility of your business and identify what type of support
you require.
In order to provide support, the Growth Hub will need to register your details.
Please note, the services of the Growth Hub are free and impartial.
Subsidy Control
Where possible, the grant subsidy will be provided through the Local Growth or Energy Usage
Streamlined Routes.
When the Streamlined Routes cannot be used, grant support may be available through
Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA).
The maximum support through MFA is £315,000 and this is a cumulative total of all support
received over the current, and the last two complete financial years through MFA, EU de
minimis and Small Amounts of Financial Assistance Allowance.
If you are offered support through MFA, you will need to make a declaration that you have not
already exceeded the £315,000, and/or with approval of the requested support, you will not
exceed the £315,000 threshold.
Things you should know.
There are limited funds available, and they are awarded on a first come first served
You must be an established SME and be able to provide accounts covering at least
two years.
We are unable to support ailing or insolvent businesses with a negative balance
sheet and financial checks are undertaken.
This discretionary grant is awarded by an independent panel, and it may take up to
28 days for you to be notified of a decision.
All planning permissions or other dependencies must be evidenced as in place at
time of application.
If you are successful, you must not spend any money, order any items, or commence
any project activity until you have formally accepted the grant offer.
To support your application, you will be required to provide routine business
documents such as quotes, business accounts and bank statements.
All projects will need to demonstrate value for money and there will be a requirement
to provide at least three quotes for each category of expenditure over £2,500, and one
quote per item for projects below £2,500. The minimum value of a quote from a single
supplier is £1,000.
You will receive advice and support as required during the application process.
If your grant application is successful, you can only claim your grant once you have
completed all aspects of the supported project.
Please note, grants are awarded on a discretionary basis and are subject to
eligibility checks and approval.